After the events of the previous chapter- Kerem takes Mete to his house to patch him up, however Mete is still under the effects of the drug he was given. He can’t calm down and needs Kerem to ‘take care’ of him. But Kerem seems quite reluctant… how unlike of him. He seems to be troubled with something.
サークル名: | Schweinchen31 |
販売日: | 2025年02月23日 |
シリーズ名: | Complete Degradation |
年齢指定: | R18 / |
作品形式: | マンガ / |
ファイル形式: | JPEG / PDF同梱 / |
その他: | ゲイ / |
対応言語: | 英語 / |
ジャンル: | シリーズもの / 首輪/鎖/拘束具 / 体格差 / SM / ノーマルプレイ / 男性受け / アナル / |
ファイル容量: |
「Complete Degradation 5」のFANZA価格データはありません











After the events of the previous chapter-
Kerem takes Mete to his house to patch him up, however Mete is still under the effects of the drug he was given. He can’t calm down and needs Kerem to ‘take care’ of him. But Kerem seems quite reluctant… how unlike of him. He seems to be troubled with something.
Last chapter of the series - the finale at last!
Monochrome comic
41 Pages